The movie recounts Keaton's struggle to assemble the house according to this new "arrangement".
In December 1998, The New York Times Magazine became one of the news media outlets to recount the family's struggle.
In recounting her struggle with Matt, she had told Braddock only that she had knocked him unconscious.
These essays recount her struggle to reconcile her religious faith with her identity as a feminist.
Its permanent collection recounts a people's struggle to retain its heritage after expulsion from its homeland.
"Children, Race, and Power" vividly recounts their struggle, beginning in 1946.
The only first-person account of a freedom suit, the slave narrative was devoted mostly to recounting her mother's struggle for their freedom from slavery.
Plagued by anorexia from childhood, she wrote an "auto-fictional" novel, Petite (1994), in which she recounts her struggle with the disease.
The author, a journalist, recounts her struggle with infertility and her husband's ambivalence about fatherhood before the couple finally adopted a baby girl from China.
The Portuguese pavilion, overlooking Olivais Dock, will recount the country's long struggle to master the seas.