Despite the success of Masters' plan to take revenge on his unfaithful wife, he never recovered emotionally.
This group may also provide information on counseling and support groups that can help you recover emotionally from your abuse.
Ojeda said he didn't recover emotionally for three years.
Yes, he'd just come through a rough divorce; a year wasn't enough time to emotionally recover; he'd admitted as much himself.
Some will make it, but there may be others who won't recover emotionally, at least not any time soon.
She really helped me out with recovering emotionally from my miscarriage.
The team did not practice today, as Riley gave the players a chance to recover emotionally and physically.
She didn't realize she would need just as much time to recover emotionally.
He'd temporarily disbanded the unit to give himself time to recover emotionally.
He did not emotionally recover from the death of both his wife and their daughter in childbirth earlier that year.