Lace curtains or splintered wood would be recreated using brushes of a single hair.
So, in the show, we will attempt a range of fun and bizarre experiments, some of which can be recreated at home using household items.
Some of the props used when filming were recreated using digital animation, such as the door and the desks.
The Minoan elite had very elaborate and rare silver cups, which were often recreated for the mass market using ceramics.
These have been recreated using an amazing new British technique which makes it possible to produce accurate facsimiles of ancient bodies.
It has been recreated at the Indiana State Museum using the original tables and chairs.
The scene in question was recreated using footage from "Battle Protocol!"
Thus, like a recipe, the piece may be recreated using different tapes and the score.
He sold the display in 1959 and it was later recreated using 100 $10,000 bills by Benny in 1964.
Most tactical situations from Second World War history can be recreated using the components of the game system.