Ultimately, the site was turned into a park with historic and recreational aspects, Point State Park.
Today, Nizwa is a diverse prosperous place with numerous agricultural, historical and recreational aspects.
Besides this recreational aspects, people visit Damauli because of religious aspect too.
"We represent just a small part of it, the recreational aspect, but that's important, too."
Built on Gold traces this story through historical themes and explores the economic, cultural and recreational aspects of the city's life, then and now.
Similar to a large garden party, these soirees take place honouring educational and recreational aspects.
Geography has shaped the Idahoan identity, imprinting aesthetic and recreational aspects upon the culture.
I think it is correct that we eliminate small aerodromes just serving the recreational or leisure aspects of flying and take them outside the scope.
Sometimes the active recreational aspect may be expressed in the extreme of naming an amusement park, usually privately owned.
Kraggenburg will focus on recreational aspects in the near future.