My own recreational possibilities were limited, for the snow continued throughout my visit and I had come dressed for spring.
Outdoor recreational possibilities include camping, hiking, river rafting, skiing, mountain biking and boating.
The long, regimented day, six of which made up a working week, obviously constrained the recreational possibilities for factory workers.
Gualaceo is surrounded by mountains 3,500 meters tall, offering hikers and bikers many recreational possibilities.
Recently the EID began promoting the recreational possibilities that have developed alongside the district's irrigation development.
The range of recreational possibilities also contribute to its popularity with tourists.
The whole area is sought out for its unique natural beauty and attractive recreational possibilities both in summer and winter seasons.
Hiking trails and footpaths have been built around the property to connect all these facilities and offer their own recreational possibilities.
The location on the banks of one of the most important rivers in Brazil opens up many recreational possibilities.
That whole area is absolutely prime ski territory, and the access to the coast offers a year-round recreational possibility for the operators.