After the morning meal, the recruits begin the day's scheduled training, which may include classes, drill, or martial arts.
The recruits at the training camp began to join the regular units in the area for training exercises.
The first recruits began training on 30 January 1951.
The recruits, who had followed the wagon for over two hundred miles, automatically began to mill round it once inside the gate.
In October, the recruits began working on weekends.
Kell noticed that the room was filling up and the recruits were beginning to take their seats.
In a 20-minute run at the firing range, several recruits, tired and out of shape, dropped behind and began to walk.
According to relatives, some recruits began to make arrangements for extended absences.
The new recruits began their duties in January 1840.
The new recruits had begun to shape up much more effectively than she'd have been willing to bet a few short months ago.