Petronax was elected their superior and other recruits soon joined the monastery.
All new recruits join as the rate of Naval Airman.
So many recruits joined the regiment that by the spring of 1864, it numbered over 3,300 officers and enlisted men.
Most new recruits join at the age of 15 or 16, straight from junior high school.
Veterans of the Tenth re-enlisted for another three years and new recruits joined the regiment.
The video explained the recruits were joining a foot patrol in a mall, where robberies and homeless people are common.
In addition 2,000 recruits will, as they do every year, be joining the department because of attrition.
The recruits will join the Bobcats for the 2012-13 season.
Most recruits join the ranks as a Brother between the age of 16-18 years.
Other recruits stumbled up through the night and joined us in the long line leading into the warmth of this gustatory heaven.