This problem has continued through this day, when we have to recruit Arabic speakers because we don't have many and when intelligence chatter was not sufficiently decoded before 9/11 instead of after.
Grafton Group, a temporary-service agency in Dublin, is recruiting German speakers for Hertz, Lufthansa and United Airlines.
Nida travelled far and wide, visiting more than 85 countries to recruit native speakers to help with translations.
But we could raise only about $15 million to run a public information campaign and to recruit speakers to fan out across the country.
Earlier articles examined the challenge of recruiting Arabic speakers, and a family of marines from Brooklyn who served in Iraq.
She added that she hoped to recruit additional speakers from a new spinal-cord support group at the Bellmore Center for Rehabilitation.
He was hired by the city government to recruit native English speakers to teach the language.
It's only natural that terror groups would recruit native English speakers when people are clamoring for extra airport scrutiny of Arabs from the Middle East.
For the smaller business, it may make more sense to recruit native speakers of the target language who live in the UK to get you exporting more quickly.
The family supported the abolishment of slavery, quietly funding black churches and the underground railroad and recruited national speakers to visit Syracuse during the 1850s.