He attributed the university"s success to a more efficient recruiting strategy and to "Howard's being back as a hot school.
Just one warning: If your company's internal recruiting strategy is failing, it can't be assumed that outsourcing the function will resolve the issues.
Last year Mr. Cohen decided that the military had to change its recruiting strategy, and he hired two private consultants to draw up a plan.
Goldman and Lehman say "on-ramping" - helping veterans return to the work force - will become an important part of their recruiting strategies.
In the 11 months since it went public, Barnesandnoble.com has followed a similar recruiting strategy to virtually every other Internet start-up.
Within a few months of changing their recruiting strategy, the hospital had filled 10 of the 25 open positions.
The rise in pay is gradually changing the recruiting strategies.
Long stodgy and short of new ideas, many of the region's union leaders are adopting innovative recruiting strategies.
To that end, the board has also expanded other recruiting strategies begun in recent years.
His recruiting strategy focused in part on luring to Oklahoma veterans who had played for the school's rivals before the war.