Since June 2 the company has been running a recruitment ad before every feature film in 11 theaters in Westchester County.
At first glance they seem like just another series of recruitment ads for the armed forces.
Another piece plays off military recruitment ads.
Channel One also runs recruitment ads for the armed forces, Ms. Tick said.
Ethical employers will seek them out and boast of their high-quality health care in their recruitment ads.
Naturally, there was a hook to those recruitment ads, as Ms. Prelinger points out.
Borrowing on the theme current in recruitment ads, the Armed Forces may be a great place to restart.
Like most other guests and studio audience members, he called in after seeing a recruitment ad after the show.
In the same magazines that last week carried accounts of troop deployments, there were recruitment ads for women.
According to the airline's recruitment ads, they must also be "slim and attractive with a good complexion and a warm personality."