A stunt that involved agency staff disguising themselves as takeaway delivery drivers to post recruitment advertisements inside competing agencies attracted considerable criticism.
The Royal Army of Oman has also initiated employment drives by publishing recruitment advertisements in newspapers, etc.
In the United Kingdom many recruitment advertisements fail to provide all the information listed above and this is frustrating for potential applicants.
According to The Phoenix, the article romanticized the war in Afghanistan and was little more than a recruitment advertisement for the British Army.
There he languished in boredom until a fortuitous glance at a recruitment advertisement for police in the Northern Territory changed his life.
The Guardian ran the first recruitment advertisement for programme staff:
Flinn's case, due in part to her high visibility in Air Force recruitment advertisements, drew national attention, eventually creating a media circus.
The participants can then answer recruitment advertisements in The Times electronically by authorizing their resumes to be sent to advertisers.
Will the Commission follow the excellent lead given by the European Foundation and stop using age limits in the Commission's own recruitment advertisements?
Respectability is apparently a crucial consideration, for recruitment advertisements by sexual establishments all focus on two lures: lots of money and an in-house alibi-ya.