Consider the moral waivers for violent offenders, to meet recruitment targets.
A recruitment target of approximately one thousand men is desired to eventually form a 757-man battalion.
This represented 91% of the ADF's recruitment target for that year.
The good news here and the interesting news is that we have met our recruitment targets in each of the services this year.
The Army's recruitment target is 80,000 new soldiers a year.
The Marines managed to meet their recruitment target for May, but that was their first successful month this year.
The recruitment targets of 21% & 7% are still well below the 29% of London residents classing themselves as non-white in the 2001 census.
Realising that there would be 'natural wastage' over the year, a recruitment target of 633 was set, and this proportionally divided between the various branches.
The Army mainly recruits within the United Kingdom, and normally has a recruitment target of around 25,000 soldiers per year.
By 31 July this year, 90% of the recruitment targets from new Member States had been fulfilled.