On top has a rectangular temple, inside has several circles.
Little rectangular temples of light.
A rectangular temple stands nearby, equally difficult to attribute, often called the Temple of the Sibyl".
Excavation revealed round and rectangular house foundations, metalworking, and a possible sequence of small rectangular temples or shrines, indicating permanent oppidum-like occupation.
Brogniart had spontaneously submitted his project, which was a rectangular neoclassical Roman temple with a giant Corinthian colonnade enclosing a vaulted and arcaded central chamber.
Both the idols, with others, are installed in a rectangular temple decorated with pinnacles.
The rectangular temple is the most common and best-known form of Greek public architecture.
It was probably surmounted by a square or rectangular temple.
Once again, the plan is only partially excavated so only cautious conclusions can be made on the typology of rectangular temple.
Excavations have brought to light traces of a small rectangular temple with a banqueting hall, an area for religious ceremonies and a portico.