It has a 2 1/2-story, brick, square main section, with two rectangular rear wings.
It has a steel tube fuselage, and rectangular wooden wing.
It has a two-story rectangular wing with a gable roof.
Some say it and the other parts of the Tower which are not out-of-time-phase, the two rectangular wings, were added later.
The central bay has two rectangular wings, both of which are arranged around a lush courtyard.
It was built about 1848 and is a nearly square, six-by-six-bay building with a rectangular rear wing.
Two rectangular wings extended backwards from the black-shuttered white house.
It is primarily a semicircular structure with a rectangular wing at the rear.
The second addition, a rectangular shaped wing to the east, was added in 1876.
He watched until the solar power collectors stood out from Gabriel like a pair of long rectangular wings.