The big cat landed sitting across the recumbent body.
One of the figures was moving, drawing nearer to the recumbent bodies, becoming more visible.
The Saardin continued to stare at the recumbent body.
He went back up to the salon and gazed at the recumbent bodies which lay upon the floor.
There was a figure in suit and helmet standing by what looked like a surgical gurney, working over the head of a recumbent body.
Each sought one of the recumbent bodies and fastened itself in place.
Silk tried and failed to imagine the children over whose recumbent bodies he had stepped looting them.
He went back into the other room, stepping carefully across recumbent bodies.
His recumbent body had been last seen surrounded by a knot of Black Flag soldiers.
Just to make the answer more difficult, every recumbent body has an iced drink beside it.