Nothing will be easy for the Yankees unless Rivera recuperates quickly.
But Johnson quickly recuperated by jogging lightly on the sideline.
Although this was ruled a knockdown, Trinidad recuperated quickly, and went back into trading with Mayorga.
We're going to have to recuperate quickly or were going to get embarrassed over these next couple weeks.
Russia recuperated quickly, and by the end of August the Swedish army was again retreating northwards along the coastal road.
However, Kristensen recuperated quickly, and was cleared by the Le Mans doctors to start the race.
Being young meant he had a hair trigger but it also meant he recuperated quickly.
On Thursday, doctors told him to rest for a week, so if he recuperates quickly he can play the last three games.
Despite that setback, the town's economic advantages allowed it to recuperate quickly.
Dempsey landed on one knee, then quickly recuperated.