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How do we stop the same type of problem recurring?
Since then, there have not been any reports of this problem recurring.
There are a number of ways to prevent the problem from recurring.
Not the phrase I wanted recurring in my mind, just then.
There is another report of the syndrome recurring after 18 years.
Dreams are recurring throughout the world and history through time.
It often recurs until a child is 5 to 6 years old.
His role is expected to recur more over in whole season.
As they recur, such words and images take on a life of their own.
But an old saying about a pitcher and a well kept on recurring to me.
It's very possible for errors to get by if they're recurring a lot.
Each season lasts from 31 to 37 days, recurring about every 6 months.
At the back of my mind, the thought kept recurring: you can always wait and see what happens.
Later I was to find this sort of coincidence recurring.
Once, however, it did recur to me with some force.
"Not only did we find images recurring, but whole events, like the death."
And if it does recur, the patient can live for many more years.
These symptoms often last for weeks or months and may recur.
Dreams that were recurring meant a number of things to the people.
There is also a risk that the cancer will come back, or recur.
Time travel would continue to recur throughout the rest of the show's run.
The dream recurred, and after the third time, he told his wife about it.
It was a bad dream, one that recurred for months.
The same question is bound to recur in this case.
In other people, the symptoms may keep coming back (recurring).