The recurrence interval for large earthquakes on this fault is less than 2,000 years.
A 100-year recurrence interval is the flood magnitude expected to be exceeded on the average of once in 100 years.
The average recurrence interval for earthquakes along this fault is in the range 1150-1400 yrs.
Studies show that magnitude 7 earthquakes can be expected to occur on this fault with approximately a 700-year recurrence interval.
First of all, one cannot present recurrence intervals based on only two values.
A recurrence interval for earthquakes along this fault is estimated to be 2000-3500 years.
The recurrence interval for large earthquakes along the fault is predicted to be about 400 years.
The recurrence interval for this kind of flood is 50-100 years.
The recurrence interval for an earthquake of that magnitude is every 50 years, and we are overdue.
The estimated recurrence interval for earthquakes along this fault zone is about 10,000 years.