Of the survivors, none suffered recurrent symptoms after complete recovery.
The onset time of recurrent symptoms could be identified by five patients,- that is 4 months, 15, 17, 19, and 19 years after fundoplication.
Wide variations in rates of persistent or recurrent symptoms, or both (3-37%) were previously reported.
Our finding of slow accumulation of cases confirmed earlier results, with regard to the interval to the start of recurrent symptoms.
With heart failure, even if you are a model patient, you need to watch for new or recurrent symptoms.
If Lyme disease is untreated, it can cause recurrent arthritis-like symptoms and neurological problems.
Dr. Behçet thought the recurrent symptoms might be due to a virus.
In this group further procedures were performed when recurrent symptoms occurred (median every 20 weeks, range 6-42 weeks).
Painful urination and recurrent symptoms of kidney infection are common symptoms.
Often, recurrent symptoms may be caused by something other then bacterial infections.