The coalition has been working on developing rules to make packaging more recyclable, although the process has been slowed recently by infighting between environmental groups and state officials.
Also, look for earth-friendly, recyclable and biodegradable packaging, further reducing the impact on the environment.
In both countries, preference for products in recyclable packaging increased with household income.
Consumers need to send a message to manufacturers by voting with their shopping dollars for recyclable packaging.
And Massachusetts residents imposed a new excise tax of 25 cents a pack on cigarettes to subsidize smoking-related health programs, but rejected a measure to require recyclable packaging.
Plan Toys also uses preservative-free rubberwood and non-formaldehyde glues, as well as recyclable packaging and water-based ink.
Shoppers were encouraged to reduce waste by shunning overpackaged products, choosing recyclable packaging and avoiding one-use, disposable items.
The bathroom has a shower, an enormous wash basin and a basket of Damana goodies, all in recyclable packaging.
You can also make your product more appealing to consumers who prefer recyclable packaging or packaging from renewable sources.
The company publishes environmental policies for both of its brands which includes a commitment to recyclable or biodegradable packaging wherever possible.