Instead she can usually be found in her red Mercedes, racing from one property to the next, meeting clients and builders.
Three jeeps and a bright red Mercedes were parked in the curving driveway.
He told the police that he had been startled by a red Mercedes that passed on his right.
An attractive couple in a red Mercedes convertible passed her, and slowed at the stop sign just ahead.
I waited until he'd turned the comer and the sound of his little red Mercedes had faded in the turgid afternoon air.
Cheney was already there, his little red Mercedes idling at the curb.
At that point, a new bright red Mercedes estate car eased up to the Court steps.
He gently guided her into the passenger's seat of her precious dark red Mercedes.
Zvereva said she wants a red Mercedes and liked to spend her money on "neat things."
She walked toward the red Mercedes, stopped behind it, and opened the trunk.