He looked for the Explorer but could see only the dark red Toyota against the right front of his car.
Seats aren't too bad for this she thought as she opened the door of her dark red Toyota, stepped out, and stretched.
He drove a red Toyota that had seen better days.
She got into her red Toyota and started it up, waving at me as she backed out.
I saw the red Toyota still parked at the lookout and a huddle of figures nearby.
That night she wrote a note to her older children on a piece of memo paper and led her daughter to her red Toyota.
In a flash of lightning she saw an unfamiliar blue car and Emily's red Toyota.
Shadow walked inside and he rented what turned out, when he got to the parking lot, to be a small red Toyota.
The driver of a red Toyota veered into the other lane, doing his best to get around the traffic.
Witnesses told the police that at least two shots were fired from a red Toyota.