Finally, a wine now made necessary by the presence of (I can hardly bring myself to say) blush wines: red zinfandel.
(No; both are made from red zinfandel.)
It's totally forgettable when compared to a fine red zinfandel.
With this earthy menu, I would serve a robust wine, like red zinfandel.
Sales of zinfandel - genuine, red zinfandel - which is said to be enjoying a new popularity, actually dropped by 7 percent, to 197,000 cases.
Of course, we're talking red zinfandel here.
Turley specializes in wines made from old-vine red Zinfandel.
Of course, we are talking about genuine red zinfandel here, not the wimpy white stuff that is actually pink.
It is distributing a "build a better burger" display for floor stacks of ketchup, mayonnaise and, of course, red and white zinfandel.
I must note here that the organization means red zinfandel, and definitely not that wimpy, pale pink stuff known as white zinfandel.