Prairie Field has red blossoms and olive green leaves.
In the next instant, a red blossom appeared on the white of his shirt, high and to his left.
From first setting them out until they are laid low by frost, they'll be packed with white, pink, rose, or red blossoms.
To his surprise, the plants - which produce pink, white or red blossoms all summer - behaved as described.
Along the banks the acacia trees were heavy with red and purple blossoms.
How can we get the bright red blossoms pictured on the plant tags?
The ahen ship became an enormous red blossom, then vanished.
To the casual eye, it looked just fine; it even had a few red blossoms left.
All along the front fence the camellias were covered with dark red blossoms.
In the Spring, fruit trees blossom white and red.