One of the dancers ripped Spears' top off, exposing her red bra.
Speaking of which, is that the legendary red bra I see peeping out?
Her shoulders went a little further back, and more of the red bra appeared beneath her vest.
The police said witnesses had recalled her wearing just a red bra for a top.
She reached in and brought out a red satin bra.
Then on the stairs he sees a red bra and high heeled shoes.
She got up to meet him wearing nothing but red panties and a red bra.
He watches her through binoculars as she takes off her red bra.
Some day, he told himself, he'd have four rooms like this, and a blonde like that piece in the red bra.
The "clothes" they appear to wear are actually part of their body, resembling a circular red bra and skirt.