Many have a profusion of flags or are adorned with red, white and blue bunting.
This is red, white and blue bunting on an inaccurate reading of history.
There was red, pink and white bunting dangling from the ceiling, paper hearts taped to the walls.
He still plans, sooner or later, to stage a traditional, formal announcement of his candidacy, red, white and blue bunting and all.
For today's occasion, red bunting was hung across the area.
Once places where people feared to walk, they were decorated with red and blue bunting, the national colors.
The podium was draped with red bunting and a hammer-and-sickle insignia.
Even as a regular-season subway series game, it deserved to have had red, white and blue bunting on the box seat railings.
But it always looks its best in October's big games when it's dressed up with red, white and blue bunting.
The wizard tore a strip of the red bunting from Woodsinger's saddle.