The only other person sitting there was a young woman with long, thick, taffy-colored hair pulled back from her face with red combs.
In the male, there is a wattle on the neck and a large, dark red comb or caruncle on the crown of the head.
There are white stripes on the underwing and red combs over the eye.
Young birds are duller and lack the red combs.
Roosters attract hens, for example, with their large red combs.
On the head there is a single red comb.
Her blonde hair, dark at the roots, as thick as his was sparse, was caught up in two red combs.
The birds are black with red comb.
Blue Foot Chicken is characterized by a red comb, white feathers, and steel-blue feet, which give the breed its name.
When students show up for classes, Ms. Burke wears a cap in the shape of a chicken's head with a bright red comb.