The man holding the signalling light was wearing a white crash-helmet, leather riding-breeches and a brown leather jacket with huge stiff red epaulettes.
Sharpe guessed two companies of Loup's voltigeurs, distinguished by the red epaulettes they wore, had led the attack and both were now inside the fort.
If these women wear the beret of the Institution, it does not carry the attributes of traditional (white cap, red epaulettes and green and blue belt).
The male of this starling-like bird is black with brilliant orange and red epaulettes.
The French Foreign Legion continued to wear their green and red epaulettes, except for a brief break in the 1920s.
Fusiliers-Grenadiers wore a dark blue habit (or coat) with red epaulettes, red turnbacks and white lapels.
They wore the same uniform as the chasseurs, but with red epaulettes.
The Grenadiers uniform was almost exactly the same as that of the fusiliers, except for red epaulettes and grenades worn on the turnbacks.
They wore an all-white uniform with light blue facings and red épaulettes.
Auxiliaries are distinguished by red coloured epaulettes.