Moroccan waiters, in red fezzes and baggy black pants like bloomers, scurried around taking and delivering orders.
The Libyan battalions and squadrons of the Italian colonial forces wore lower, red fezzes over white skull caps.
THEY wear deep red fezzes emblazoned with glittery scimitars, stars and crescent moons.
Eritrean regiments in Italian service wore high red fezzes with coloured tufts and waist sashes that varied according to each unit.
British soldiers and officers wore white sun helmets while the Egyptians wore red fezzes.
"Then you can have the men with the red fezzes."
Several black men wearing red fezzes were gathering on the sidewalk.
We passed a long column of loaded mules, the drivers walking along beside the mules wearing red fezzes.
In the midst of it, there are 300 people, some of them wearing red fezzes with yellow tassels, others wearing black derbies.