Another flare split into red and green fireball.
Again a red fireball pulsed upward through sooty black smoke.
The sun had grown into a great blazing red fireball as it touched the far horizon.
Everyone has got to back off, or Asia is going to blow up in one big red fireball.
In his mind he had seen a red fireball of destruction rising over Baltimore.
As I hit the cage with my back, my mind turned into a glowing red fireball.
Seconds later, a yellow mushroom cloud formed above a red fireball.
A television announcer reports sightings of a red fireball around the world.
The swelter of the late summer's day began to fade as the sun's red fireball sank into the west and the hot, stale air cooled.
"This was big," he said, describing the path of the bright red fireball across the sky.