He wore a pair of glasses with bright red frames and corrective lenses.
It was one of the fire hoses she had seen along the corridor walls, white canvas hose in a bright red frame.
They initially had chocolate brown or Indian red frames but this was changed in the twentieth century to black.
After developing the film, he discovers a red frame in which the camera has lost the image of his sleeping.
All they had was a pair with red frames, and being in a hurry, she bought them.
The 30 numbers (now larger) were in red with yellow backgrounds and red frames.
They initially had Indian red frames but this was later changed to black.
Instead, he installed red frames on the building's glass walls to add a touch of intimacy.
Beside him there was a calendar with a square red frame around yesterday's date.
He moved the red frame and felt its magnetic base gripping the surface again.