Now, as the hour approached midday, a red halo sparkled around its edges.
The entire system is then surrounded by a faint red halo, seen in the emission by nitrogen gas.
Isabella stared at Stein's body, watching the blood form a red halo in the icy snow around his head.
But within a day, it blossoms into a painful translucent white patch surrounded by a red halo.
Dukat drew his hand back and its red halo of energy cut off as if a switch had been thrown.
It blazed with a bright red halo, the computer representation of its screens.
The golden man encircled groups of twenty with broad glowing red halos.
Fascinated, Hannah watched as the speeding flames began to form a red halo around the upper part of the room.
The boy blinked rapidly and the red haloes around his acne lesions darkened.
However that red halo is not just a pretty face: it's the secret of the poinsettia's popularity.