If red impatiens seem habitual, then there are always the red zinnias for sunny locations.
Jurgen said: "Remember the red impatiens filling the bed?
In this place positively saturated with greenness, other colours blaze in complimentary delirium: wild red impatiens, orange flamboyant flowers, pink orchids.
Fearless in their pursuit of nectar, they fly right into the greenhouse through open vents, heading first, always, to the double red impatiens.
ONE day while relaxing between outdoor chores, I detected some movement among the bright red impatiens in a flower border.
Gnarled, broken bunches of red and purple impatiens bristled out of the sink.
Thirty flats of red and purple impatiens remained to be planted.
The car curved half off the cobblestones, and one tire churned through a bordering bed of red and purple impatiens.
In the flower beds, white and red impatiens bloomed beneath shrubbery with dark, waxy foliage.
I took her in my arms right there on the red-brick front stoop, with blooming red and white impatiens and climbing roses all around us.