After saving every dog from the red leash, Cooler was about to be done for.
Terry then adopted Burlap, saving him from the red leash.
Soon she is on the street outside her building with the dog of her dreams on a red leash.
Glancing around the room for a live dog, you spot a pug named Cleo on a red leash.
A woman in black wore a red, rhinestone-studded leash, which she had bought for the occasion, around her waist like a Chanel belt.
A life-sized stuffed Dalmatian pulled on a red leash.
Startled by the flash, it is tethered with a red leash.
Only minutes after Mel came back out, a young boy rushed down the sidewalk, a red leash trailing behind him.
He hooked the red leash onto King's collar.
He held a red leash in his hand.