The earliest pigments used by Neolithic man were charcoal, red ocher and yellow ocher.
Painted onto a background of red ocher, each figure has a nimbus while the curled hair has been rendered in a heavily exaggerated manner.
The image, he found, had been painted onto the cloth in medieval times with red ocher and vermilion pigments.
Pray they had sung and dropped the red ocher and the flowers.
Further, the bodies were found to be painted with red ocher while the heads were painted with black manganese.
NOT far from the entrance you will see a horse and a bull in red and yellow ocher outlined in charcoal on a wall.
The molds are coated with a mixture of red ocher, pumice powder and egg white so that the pewter clings evenly to the walls.
We're the red ocher, the red earth.
There's a lot of yellow and red ocher on the walls, and lots of olives and tomatoes in the kitchen.