The site is known for its glades filled with lilac shrubs and red peonies.
It was at this time that the red peonies first began growing.
Parents told their children that Serbian blood had so soaked the field that red peonies now sprung from it.
I buy dark red peonies, which die within minutes.
The little flower- beds were edged with blue forget-me-nots and in one corner was a big clump of early, dark red peonies.
The mistress helps to remove the maid's decorative red peonies in one continuous circling of the arm.
She wore a sheer georgette skirt with big red peonies on it.
Two fresh graves were mounded amid the bright red peonies and the weeds.
An enormous spray of red peonies was artfully arranged in a white porcelain vase on the piano's top.
How is Grace's recurrent dream of red peonies connected to her buried knowledge of the grisly crime?