Well, he would divest himself of other chairs, like his trusty wing chair, upholstered in red plaid.
His shirt was red plaid, his tie a yellow knit.
She wear a lot a red plaid.
On top of his head was a red plaid hunter's cap dusted with snow.
Her husband, in yellow and red plaid, looked like a character out of the Sunday funnies.
The walls were paneled in a dark plywood, and the carpeting was a red and black plaid.
Grown men and women seem to think a red plaid and a pink floral print are complementary colors.
Against another wall was a leather sofa, flanked by two armchairs upholstered in red and green plaid.
Alex's room, just across the hall, was a mirror image of Grace's in red plaid.
The others also wore black armor, and tunics of red and black plaid.