He took a red and white pullover and threw away his olive shirt.
He's changed shirts, now wears a familiar red pullover with dark stains, and he car- ries a sinister-looking paper bag.
The last thing I knitted was a red pullover for Uncle which I have yet.
Clad in a red pullover, a black scarf, black leather pants and topped by a golden dome of hair, Nakamura looked ready for New York.
I changed out of Bird's clothes and into a pair of jeans and a faded red pullover.
She was wearing dark trousers and a red pullover.
Police recovered a red pullover and handgun from the scene.
Rico had found blue trousers and a red pullover.
He was a tall, good-looking kid wearing jeans and dark red pullover.
"All along we've had negative role models or people like Michael Jordan," Mr. Bancroft, a husky, square-shouldered youth in a red pullover said.