The tragedy of "red rubber" was put to a stop.
While the coffee warmed, Adam poured the Kitty Krunch into the red rubber feeding dish.
Now she is adding a similar bracelet to her collection - this one a piece of red rubber emblazoned with black writing that spells out "My Soldier."
This hip band is made of red rubber and comes to just above the knees, and it's simply impossible to walk in it.
G-8 had reached the staggering figure of Gama in his Devil's costume of red rubber.
Previously, red rubber (Rusch-Germany) tubes were used, then sterilized for re-use.
Originally made from red rubber, most modern tubes are made from polyvinyl chloride.
It was made of hard red rubber with a stainless steel handle.
"Sarajevo roses," the shell craters etched in the sidewalks and now filled with red rubber, are reminders of the years under siege and fire from Serbian artillery.
(Red rubber, it's only red rubber, he would repeat to himself over and over, closing his eyes when his brothers weren't watching.)