Members dressed in grey shirts and wore armbands decorated with a red swastika.
The main motifs of its carpet-like, decorative floor are red swastikas on white background.
Peter noticed for the first time that there was a brassard with a red swastika on the clown's left sleeve.
He wore, inside out, a slashed T-shirt with a red swastika hand-painted on it.
But Evan was shocked when one of the tips projected a red swastika above his head.
"I smell a different paint," he said, then discovered the red spray-painted swastika.
There was a huge red swastika behind the desk, and several similar black-and-white motifs on the other walls.
Two red swastikas were painted on her home and a swimming pool ledge, with the words, "Kill the Jews."
They both bore California plates, and one of them had a red swastika painted on the gas tank.
The arms of the red swastika were twisted in her silver glasses.