Members are distinguished by a black fez with a red tassel and a Mokanna head in the middle.
Red curtains with red tassels frame the three large windows that look out onto 62nd Street.
The red tassels on Muhammad Ali's white boxing shoes.
Now he had two black patches around blue eyes and an ear-to-ear loop of brilliant red tassels dangling down his face.
A few hanging decorations defined by red tassels bring us back to Asia.
Instead, a red, white, and blue tassel is used to decorate.
Mike was happy to find a baby yak collar with red and blue tassels, meant to ward off evil.
The red tassels of blossoming maples hang bright against wet black bark.
Convicts in the central jail at Poojappura make the red tassels used to adorn the bows.
On the front is a red tassel and decorative red cord.