When the security guards are allowed to dress casually, they wear red turtlenecks.
A magenta satin suit with a red turtleneck!
"The water, it was so close to me," said Aisa, who was dressed smartly in a red turtleneck and a black coat with fur trim.
Young, dark, conspicuously voluptuous in a flame red turtleneck and tight jeans.
He was wearing a bright red turtleneck.
I thought of Bennett standing alone in his red turtleneck, waiting for some plane or other to some place or other.
Instead, she glanced down at her simple outfit of pleated trousers, red turtleneck, and blazer.
Roberto F., the 3-year-old in the red turtleneck, studied the object he had been asked to identify.
The dog sat through part of the meeting showing off her new Christmas present, a red turtleneck sweater.
She was dressed in faded blue jeans and a red turtleneck.