The current crop of red-light cameras nets the city more than $9 million a year.
Every time I see the red-light camera, I'm terrified by it.
The story of the red-light camera is one of technology, safety, politics, behavior modification - and unintended consequences.
A voter referendum during the 2010 Texas gubernatorial elections to eliminate red-light cameras passed.
The red-light cameras caused controversy, though, even leading to some lawsuits.
Studies have revealed mixed results of the effectiveness of red-light cameras.
To curb this trend, more and more cities are installing red-light cameras.
The city has since decided to investigate alternative safety measures at the intersection, including the addition of turn lanes and red-light cameras.
"We don't ticket drivers going three or four miles over the speed limit, but with red-light cameras, we do that."
The study showed intersections with red-light cameras see a drop in the number of violations.