They also saw a reddish liquid and bloodlike matter in the toilet bowl.
The bodies of the ministers lay on the ground, reddish liquid appeared black in the moonlight.
Alone, Jim is to collect samples of the dried, reddish liquid in the center of the room.
But a moment later, a reddish liquid began streaming from Aranimas's eyes, and the skin of his face seemed to pucker.
But a moment later, a reddish liquid began streaming from Aranimas?
One hand produced a bottle of a reddish liquid and poured a quantity into the test tube.
Gradually, the reddish liquid began to bubble; then to boil.
He proffered a bottle with some kind of reddish, tomatoey-looking liquid.
"The doctor injected each one twice, straight into the heart with a reddish liquid that was poisonous."
Next to it were two extra vials of reddish liquid.