He now views Simon's death, according to the inscription, as "an essential part of the redemptive process.
Like Francis Bacon, Bustin portrays flayed, seared humanity, yet unlike him, sees it in the context of a redemptive process.
At this time the poet's 'Creed' included belief in a new state of being, a redemptive process brought about in slow tranquillity without sudden conversions or a Last Judgment.
I believed in some very powerful way that God was working in history, that a redemptive process was, in some mysterious way, despite the Holocaust, going on.
They saw his illness as an element in the messianic revelation; interference with Rabbi Schneerson's physical state might therefore affect the redemptive process, which should instead be permitted to run its natural course.
Further, Jews were not rejects and outcasts, but central actors in the redemptive process.
But there was another Zionism, that preached by Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, which declared that the redemptive process was now far advanced.
Kookists felt betrayed by the Likud government, which had expelled them from Yamit, and, by making peace with the Arabs, had stalled the redemptive process.
He never had or took the opportunity to go through a redemptive process.
Winogrand captured how America once again transformed catastrophe into commerce, an inevitable but also strangely redemptive process.