Sale's shopping centre was redeveloped during the 1960s, as part of the town's post-war regeneration.
The current site is to be redeveloped as part of the town's £160m marina.
Neiwei Station will also be redeveloped as part of this project.
The estate is due to be redeveloped as part of a regeneration program set to last three years and cost over £40 million.
On 15 May 2006, it was announced that the station is to be redeveloped as part of a $36 million dollar project.
The western side of the street is due to be redeveloped as part of the Sevenstone project.
After the Homefire plant closed in 2000, it was also redeveloped as part of the distribution park.
The building may be redeveloped for cultural use as part of the regeneration scheme.
In addition to this, the surrounding area is being redeveloped as part of the £100 million Waterside project.
This building had been due to be redeveloped as part of the Ventureast regeneration project.