"However the debate turns out, it will have an effect of reducing drug use among teens."
The study also called for increased federal spending to reduce disparities among states.
That has reduced poverty among the elderly to less than one person in seven.
We also worked with them to reduce the anxiety over test taking, particularly among the remedial kids.
Throughout the 1990's, the report found, only 19 countries, including China, reduced hunger among their peoples.
Improving water management is an effective way to help reduce poverty among farmers.
Members of Congress are examining the role computer systems play in reducing competition among airlines.
The challenge facing large organizations of all types is to reduce the time among these three stages.
Proponents hope it will help reduce the high turnover among these workers, which is estimated to average 50 percent a year.
She managed the company for eight years, reducing the work week from 48 hours to 44 hours, among other changes.