Title plants are sometimes maintained to index the public records geographically, with the goal of increasing searching efficiency and reducing claims.
The "stay well" program, as it is called, has reduced medical claims by 60 percent, and (he office has been besieged with inquiries about it.
The insurance industry points out that the changes have reduced claims, but has been unable to demonstrate a reduction in premiums.
In July 2006, told fees office his daughter would be staying while at university, so he would reduce claims on rent and utilities.
The bill seeks to reduce costs by limiting frivolous lawsuits and reducing fraudulent claims.
The medical community will tell you that access to mental health care often reduces medical claims for physical illness and helps reduce absenteeism.
"The agencies have no incentive to take steps to reduce claims," Mr. Neustadt said.
Among the initiatives proposed in California are measures to regulate rates, reduce fraudulent claims and limit legal fees.
Experts say such prying can promote peace by reducing military secrecy and false governmental claims.
Also to be taken into account, according to Schafer, is reducing excessive claims of agency as in irrational self-blaming.