Verglimit costs three times more than ordinary asphalt, but transportation officials from both states say they have found it reduces hazardous conditions.
In reducing conditions, an anomalous chemical behavior of Md was found.
However, reducing conditions can be created with appropriate gas input, or by using saggars in a particular way.
"Suessite can form under highly reducing conditions" say the scientists who discovered this mineral.
Samples were concentrated and used for Western blots run under reducing conditions.
The degradation of nitrobenzene under both reducing and oxidising conditions in water has been reported.
Increased international competition creates a pressure to reduce the wages and conditions of workers.
The relationship between reducing conditions and the potential source can be seen in a cross plot with a sewage indicator.
White can also be associated with reducing conditions.
It is always instructive to reduce psychic or emotional conditions to their physical equivalents.