These programs, along with other state and community-based services, help to reduce depression, anxiety and stress that caregivers may feel.
Some psychologists, he noted, have even recommended excuses as a way to maintain self-esteem and reduce anxiety or depression.
Exercise is good way to reduce depression, and it also helps you control your blood sugar.
He induced seizures, by using pentetrazol, as a way to reduce depression.
The cognitive therapy provided for the patients aimed to reduce depression by teaching them to recognize and derail negative habits of thought.
Treatment, with antidepressants or counseling, was found to reduce depression and improve social functioning, but it did not influence survival.
Other studies have shown that yoga practices reduce anxiety and depression, all the while improving well-being.
Studies show that strengthening exercises using free weights decrease pain and even reduce depression in people with fibromyalgia.
It can also reduce arthritis pain, anxiety and depression.
Exposure to daylight is effective in reducing depression.